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A friend told me this today. 

I hope the supporter who posted this can delete it from exhentai if you are still a patron of mine. Thank you so much!

If it's not deleted, could you please help me at least leave a comment with the link of my pixiv or Patreon? Thank you!

Some of my works were posted on exhentai before and was rated few stars. But those were old works and they were all posted free on Pixiv or Deviantart. So I didn't care too much. But Club is a work I finished not long ago. This kind of thing really hurt my heart... Hope you can understand my mood now...




I'll try to finish Little Sister 2 this week.


oh shit. Such people may think that they do good for everyone posting it somewhere, but your patreon rates are affordable! and the more people join - the more inspiration and the better tech you have => more new works, new works go faster. Poor they do not understand that. Hope you success in removing that!

Jack Stenly

First comment on that post was mine. I got you. You do not deserve to be leaked this way.


How can we stop this?😢


Seems it's deleted. Thank you so much for the understanding!




And it comes out again..

Duy Huynh

https://e-hentai.org/g/1606596/ee9e38f0a1/ still there


Yes. I've reported but I don't know if it can work. I'll prepare to change my plan to avoid this happen.




Sorry to see this happen, really hope who posted it can delete it.


I don’t think anything gets deleted directly from exhentai, but it can be expunged. I’ve uploaded things to exhentai myself, and they wouldn’t let me delete it once it was posted... it wasn’t anything by you by the way... it was a self made translation to a beauty stealing manga by someone else.


Point being... I don’t think uploader can remove it once it goes up, but people can vote to have it be expunged from the site.