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Hi! I don't really post here much, not nearly as much as I should, but I figured I may as well rattle off these thoughts to you folks in particular.

Basically, being an artist I get a lot of enjoyment out of making things that people also enjoy. Part of the motivation for making something is thinking about people who might enjoy it... and fundamentally that's part of what makes creating stuff magical.

Ideally I would always like to give away what I make for free, but the sad truth of life is that I have to eat food and pay bills, and to continue making art freely I have to find a way to somehow make money off it. While commissions are often quite rewarding financially, they are also often quite boring because I frankly don't enjoy being told what to do, or working on things I have little personal investment in.

Despite that however, I have my little tip jar set up here with people giving me a little money every month just to help keep me going - and for that I am eternally grateful. A lot of people come and go from my Patreon, and a few people have been long time supporters... but each and every person who has decided to drop a little money on me from time to time just because they like what I make absolutely helps me out.

So thank you! 

I sincerely mean it.

I may as well use this time to talk about a large project I'm working on in collaboration with theycallhimcake. It'll be my first ever avatar made for sale on Gumroad and it's going to be a doozy. I've spent a lot of time working on it and while I'd love to show it off right now, I'm leaving it as a complete surprise since there's still a lot more to do.

Depending on how well it sells I'll be a little more financially stable and hopefully be put in a position where I can focus less on commissions and more on making stuff for my audience. If it does extremely well I may make more Gumroad models in the future, and I may very well accidentally drop a free download link to you guys... we shall see.


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