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OH EM GEE TIMEZONES what time is it where I am vs where they are?


^ When that link says 5:30 pm, you'll know it's happening (its happening gif).

Here is the link to the Live Q&A: 


Normally the Q&A is $19+ but, because we took so damn long on October's Q&A, we are making this first one "open" to patrons in case anyone signed up in October but not November since we had some people sign up in the last few hours of October. The second Q&A for this month will be $19+ only. We were also a bit light on behind the scenes stuff, so we'll do better about that for everyone. 

For the repair video, I had a bit of fun doing this quick and dirty repair. I'm doing stuff like this often, and now we've got the support we need to help turn them into videos. Thanks to you guys. This device is part of our audio setup when it is too complicated to go full analog mixer. It's pretty portable and works great as a pre-amp for our lav mics, too. It also supports using our XLR mics and works well. Worst thing is the battery life! But we can fix that. With this video!

Yes, the actual repair can be a lot better. It was good enough ;) But also it goes to show we're not too quick to piss away the money you've given  to support us in our startup phase as we gather stuff we feel like we need to do a better job. So thanks very much everyone, once again.


Level1 Saving Money reparing tech toys

We've got a pretty good audio setup now, but we like to move around. So we need something decent for capturing audio before it goes into the camera. Our main setup isn't super portable. So, we've got this TASCAM 60d mk II -- and we got it for cheap because the USB port was busted.



Also as a side note, if you can't make it live, feel free to post a question here and we will try to answer it on stream!


I take it that the stream will then be posted elsewhere? My question is: How far do would you like to take the whole LevelTechs operation? Wendell, I know you kind of had this forced upon you, whether willing or not, but I'm wondering if there are long term goals. Would you like to eventually do this full time, or do you prefer your own business? Or not mind a 50:50 split?