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Sorry fot late post. I feel like I'm working a lot sloer lately.

but here the liquid mercury update. I think next update should be the end of part one. 

As alway if you have any suggestion or wan to fix my grammar feeel free to post it in the coment.

And I have to thank you again for continue supporting me this years. I also apologize that last month have only few post.Hope you have great final month of the year.




Mercury is hottest LM girl ever

Fetish Studio

Always a delight to enjoy your work! Take your time, its a pleasure to see all of this! Keep it up! :)


Not the ending I would have liked for Mr Wade, but an ending none the less. Perhaps Prima can find more of a reason for Ms Jude to remain alive and useful to the Mistress. Awesome stuff Ibenz!

Rökkr Ragnarok

I would have thought making another like herself would have been a great boon to the mistress XD

Roxanne Giling

Damn, that was brutal! Edits incoming! :D

Roxanne Giling

Page 1: 1: Obstruction detected. Relocating body mass. Simulating muscle. Enhancing unit physical strength. 2: Gah, what the hell?! My apologies, Mr. Wade, but I must follow Mistress's command. Boss, sir! You must stop this madness!!! You can't let her program you like some mindless robot! My personality core is functioning perfectly, Mr. Wade Analyzing... Your heart rate is rising Wha...?! 3: Blood pressure increasing in a specific area. Detecting an increase in testosterone. All data indicates that you have a sexual desire. Does my body stimulate you, Mr. Wade? No... no, boss! how can you say that?! Gah, get off of me! You are lying, Mr. Wade. All of your biological responses are indicative of male sexual desires. You fancy my new appearance. This is a fact. 4: I should be disgusted by my own words. By this whole situation. A man looks at my with lust. Even worse, it's my own subordinate. Wha..?! Boss!! But I can't feel anything. My only desire is to carry out Mistress's order. I will love Mr. Wade just as she told me to. Boss! This isn't right!! You're not yourself!! Go on, Mr. Wade. Touch me. 5: Miller, sir! You need to snap out of it!! Do my soft breasts arouse you, Mr. Wade? My data is showing me that it does. Stop! This is messed up! Damnit! I can't move, boss! Let me go! Sorry, Mr. Wade. I must follow my orders. Just a few minutes ago, I was his commander. I tried to protect him. Now I'm a woman that is crawling over him with my breasts pressed firmly on his body...

Roxanne Giling

Page 2: 1: I feel now shame. The only thing I feel is this fake passion to the man in front of me in my personality core. 2: I desire this man's body like Mistress told me to. 3: Gah, no! What are you doing?! No, Miller, sir! You need to stop this!! 4: I will show him how much I love him. He will not escape. Gah! Please! I don't want this!! I love you, Mr. Wade. No! This isn't love! It's...!!! 5: Mphf!!! Despite his protests, my data is indicating that he is enjoying my actions. Humans can't manipulate their own emotions at will like my personality core can. I'm learning how easy it is to manipulate their biological responses. I am beginning to realize that my thought processes are slowly detaching from my former species' way of thinking. 6: Fufufu, do you enjoy Prima's tongue, Mr. Wade? I've crafted it with my own hand. Ahh, being pleasured by a superior life form. What a lucky man you are. It looks like I don't need to worry about Prima's mental stability. My Prima is able to think of how to execute her orders without the need for additional input thanks to your former captain. Despite your history with Mr. Miller, Prima still obeys my orders without any glitch so far. But there is still one final test.

Roxanne Giling

Page 3: 1 Are you still with us, Ms. Jude? Pay attention. I want you to see this. I'm about to make Prima do something Mr. Miller would never do. Do you know what that is? No... you don't mean... 2: Prima Stop! Don't do it!! 3: Kill Mr. Wade. Emotional core offline. Returning to default stage. 4: Order received... My base personality core would refuse this command with all my might. But my directives say that Mistress's orders must be carried out. Unless I can contradict Mistress's orders by proving that sparing subject Wade's life will be more beneficial to Mistress's goals. Analyzing... 5: Calculating subject Wade's value... calculating resources required for subject recruitment Result: the required resources outweigh the subject's potential value to Mistress. Action denied. 6: Continuing termination of the subject.

Roxanne Giling

Page 4: 1: I'm killing him. My own team mate. My liquid metal is pouring into his mouth. I'm quickly drowning him with my own body parts. I calculated and decided his fate within a millisecond. No compassion. No hesitation. Only cold apathy towards the suffering man in front of me. 2: According to my calculations, subject Wade will perish within three minutes. 3: Some part of my personality core still wishes that I can muster some kind of emotion from this action. Fortunately, Mistress's program has no flaw. She has successfully turned me into the perfect killing machine. There is no going back for me. I'm her Prima. A bio-metal life form servalt. 4: Subject Wade's vital signs are at critical levels. Time until termination: 30 seconds. 5: 5 seconds 6: Subject Wade has been terminated.

Roxanne Giling

I will say though, Prima's uh... violation of Wade before killing him is perhaps a bit rapey :(

A. H. W.

Kind of amusing to think wade died because his boss didnt think he was worth recruiting as a mercury. Hell of a negative performance review.

Roxanne Giling

Personally, I think so, yes. I think it could still work but without the forced kiss


cant wait for full color of the complete comic

D Banks

what a way to bite the dust