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Update for liquid mercury. I don't know how long this will get at this point.

As alway if you want to help me with grammar or dialouge feel free to post it in the comment.

Also i must thank you again for continue supporting me. Hope you had a great day.




Wow, can’t wait to see this coloured in full


I hope you are too! Good works as always.


And Prima Mercury's finally fully here! Is Amelia gonna be so awestruck by her success that she'll immediately experiment on June? Her TF will be interesting, will it be as long? How much will Mercury be involved and will June be made out of Mercury too? Next few pages are gonna be intriguing. Good work 👏


Coming along good, though since your open to advice on gramma I noticed a few spots that could use some tweaking which I'll list below. page 2 panel 2 (correction) This isn't even an order. It feels like an invasion into my brain, replacing my beliefs in an instant. Page 3 panel 1 (correction) All other emotions such as love and passion will be minimized and redirect toward creator. page 3 panel 3 (correction) Just a void of apathy remains. Is this what being a machine feels like? I should be scared. I should be resisting but I don't seem to care. I couldn't even if I tried. It's unnecessary for my assigned function. page 3 panel 4 (correction) Our speech and body language will be according to the creators design. Now enabling personality "Polite and graceful maid" Page 3 panel 5 (correction) We are allowed to think for ourselves provided it does not conflict with the creators goals or inflict harm onto them. page 3 panel 5 (correction) The creators health and safety must be maintained at all cost. Page 3 panel 6 (correction) The process is slowly molding me into the creators slave. I should resist but that is in direct conflict with the creators wishes. Which is against my programming. Page 3 panel 6 (correction) We are the creators property and every part of our being belongs to them. Page 3 panel 6 (correction) Our appearance is dictated by the Creator. We will accept this form as the creator See’s fit.


I knew where everything was going, but I hoped Miller would be able to overcome a couple of directives, still subordinate to his mistress, but not 100% slave


I also like Miller, who became a woman at p24, 25. I would like to see boyish hairstyles with such neutrality often. Thanks for showing me a nice picture.


Awesome stuff; it's really building towards the finale of the comic now!

A. H. W.

I kinda want to see Amelia order primary to kill them, only for Prima to recommend that they transform June instead due to her combat proficiency. Amelia loves the idea and initiative and then we get a shorter sequence of Prima converting June as well.


very enjoyable

Roxanne Giling

Loving this so much! I'll put in my edits as usual :)

Roxanne Giling

Page 1: On the bottom page of the page, there's an 'it hurt!' which should be 'It Hurts!' Then, that final panel: "New directives will be installed into unit personality core. They will take priority without exception." "New directive: We are female"

Roxanne Giling

Page 2: 1: "AAHH!!! My head! Damnit, I'm..." "That's right. I'm...!" 2: "... A human girl!! Wait, wha...?!" "Directive installed. Progressing to next directive." "No! This is wrong! I know I was a man but I... gah! Damnit, I can't even imagine myself as male at all!" "This isn't even an order. It's like an invasion into my brain, replacing my sense of self in an instant!" 3: "New directive." "Wait damnit!!" 4: "Crap! I need to think! At this rate...!" 5: "We are a bio-metal lifeform created by our creator, Dr. Amelia. We are no longer human." "No! I'm still... gah! I'm still a bio-metal lifeform! Damnit, damnit!" "New Directive." 6: "We are loyal to Dr. Amelia and we will obey her orders without exception." "We will only refer to Dr. Amelia as creator, mistress, and master." "No! I won't call creator as...?! No, no, no! Damnit! That mistress! Gah! I can't control my own thoughts!" "New Directive." 7: "We will show no anger as such emotion is inefficient to our function." ?! "I... I... can't get angry? It's... it's just gone... there is only fear now." 8: "New Directive." "Please... wait... you can't..."

Roxanne Giling

Page 3: 1: "Removing fear and anxiety from personality core." "Wait... please... ah..." "Emotion, empathy, or compassion towards our comrades, our family, and humans is unnecessary." "All other emotions such as love and passion will be minimized and redirected towards creator." 2: "........." "Gone... It's all gone. I feel nothing. I try to bring something out but I can't. Maybe if I think about June and Wade." 3: "No good. They are just data to me. Like a still picture in my head. No friends or comrades. Just data. I feel nothing." "Only an apathatic void remains. Is this what being a machine feels like? I should be scared. I should be resisting but I don't seem to care. I can't, even if I tried. It's unnecessary for my function." 4: "The pain is still there but I don't care. There are still more directives." "New directive." "Our speech and body language will be according to the creator's preferred settings. Current setting is the polite and graceful maid." "Understood. Directive installed." 5: "New Directive. " (<- this line isn't here but I figured it should be added) "We are allowed to think for ourselves as long as it is not in conflict with creator's goal or causes harm to creator." "Understood. Directive installed." "New directive." "Creator's health and safety must be maintained at all costs." "Understood. Directive installed." 6: "The process slowly molds me into creator's slave. I should resist but that's in conflict with creator's wish, which is unacceptable." "We are creator's property. Every part of our being is owned by creator." "Our appearance is dictated by creator. We will accept and use it as creator sees fit." "Acknowledged." 7: "New Directive." "Our name is no longer Miller...."

Roxanne Giling

Page 4: 1: "We are" 2: "Prima..." 3: "Personality core modification successful." 4: "Rebooting mercury system." "Ah...." 5: "Initial start up succesful. System is online."