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We're halfway there!  At least it's better than waiting for new chapter of berserk  lol.

Not much to say but hope you all still alive and well. 

As always gramar and mistake feel free to tell me in the comment.




Heh, love the way Gilda's hair is holding Aria's cocoon.

Nathaniel Merrill

pg 14: sleeep -> sleep pg 15 change the 2 i'm to am in slide 2


Yeah she is embracing Aria in such a nurturing and far reaching way☺️! It might even be my favorite panel with Gilda so far, although the panel with her giggling and having a delighted face from teasing Aria with a bite is up there too.


I see you changed the structure one of the panels from what it was in the sketches again, admittedly I am a bit curious what else will change from the sketches.


And on to the dream sequence! Still looks brilliant; I'll eagerly await the remaining pages of the comic.

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Does Aria's mentor and the snooty knight in the flashback have a name?

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Sorry, I meant the old hag that Otto recommends to train in magic under her..


Not decided yet she just a elderly sister who's running church orphanage. Aria enter priestess training much later.

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 So Otto is the one who trains Aria in priestess magic? Or do you have any ideas on a new character that will train her?


Well i don't think it's important so i will not focus on that. The nun teach her some basic. She like it. when she decided become priestess enroll in church academy and get assign on some city and met hero there. Otto just visit her sometime and recommend her for the academy.


It’s interesting to see back story for Aria, Otto seems to look like Hero but older, this probably is just a coincidence but are they related?

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Thank you so much! I can add this info when I work on the novelization adaptation.


In the miraculous chance you aren't going to already, please have the Demon Lord and Aria make out! :3


Gilda perching on Aria's cocoon in the sketch was really cute, but I quite like the vibe of her lovingly embracing it in the final version here. Somehow Gilda's left arm looks longer than her right in that last panel, but that could just be me. Love the starry void Aria is floating in on page 15. Not sure if it was intentional, but her shadow body looks like a form-fitting space suit, which only enhances the "lost and alone" of it all~


14.3.3 don't want... => I don't want... 14.4.2 sleeep => sleep 15.2.1 I'm => Am 15.2.2 I'm => Am 15.5.1 Such as => Like {"such as" works, but I think "like" sounds slightly better}