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I got distraced again well at least I got whole comic page out of it.

I just want to draw nano doll again. Anyway if you have suggestion or correction for dialouge feel free to post it on the comment. I also recorded the coloring process i just have to edited it's first.

Nano doll is inspire by Alfre-Tori artwork.







Beautiful! Personally rivals Liquid Mercury characters in attractiveness. Personally prefer the metal hair but the purple does pop.

Benjamin Lawton

I'm surprised her ID-code is printed in such an… inefficiently unstable location. :p


second text box should probably say senses, not sense


while you say you were distracted you got something productive out of it so its not really a problem.


Hey man, don't worry about it! Whatever keeps you sane and putting out new stuff semi-regularly (barring mitigating life circumstances) is all we're asking for. ^^


1.1 you => you're 1.2 sense => senses 2.1 upgrade => upgraded {The implied hair flip... nice.} 2.2 I am detecting a stress response, organic. Does ... {Dat boob lift... yum.} 3.1 manipulated => manipulate. the same as you => like you {save a couple words} 4.1 ... That's why organics will lose (in the end). 4.2 ... I belong to the Hive in both mind and body. 4.3 Fear not, organic, the Hive does not waste resources. If you prove to be an effective combatant, you will be reforged into a fellow doll of mine. I may even call you "Little Sister" then.


I was just thinking about this character yesterday! One of my favorites, and I love the followup.


Oh a really good follow up! This would work well as a comic series in its own right :D

D Banks

Nice guess she is out to get the rest of the humans


I have never though Mechanic to be this great


It`s awesome , I`m really happy to see Nano-Doll again!