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Here are new page sketch redraw some panel on page 7 too.

If you want to help with my awful grammar feel free to tell me in the comment.






Page 8 "Looks like the more drinks, the more her body changes" "She is... kind of hot now... I hate it..." Page 11 "Do you mind backing off a bit?" "Hello? Earth to Anna?" But apart from those, it's looking amazing. Really love how Anna looks now XD


StarGazer got to the spell check first but I'm looking forward to how this will turn out!


I'll toss out my corrections for the sake of variety. Also, several places could use a comma. 7.3 Hey Anna, are you alright? 8.3 Looks like the more she drinks, the more her body changes. 8.4 She's...kinda hot...now. That pisses me off... 8.5 Why are you making her hotter, huh!? 9.1 Wha, what's happening!? 11.1.1 He...Hey...Anna. I like your new look. Green really suits you. 11.1.2 Do you mind back off bit... => You're getting awfully close... 11.1.3 Hello! Earth to Anna!


Sorry, I just had free time when it was posted. Though I'm sure I've missed a few out. XD


Will This Comic Be Coloured? Because I Love Where This Is Going.


For surzies~ These are just the rough layout sketches. Getting to see and comment on the development process is a nice Patreon perk.

Roxanne Giling

I always seem to be too late with my edits xD


Man the only way this could be funnier is if the embarassed girl had heart eyes in response to getting seduced xD