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Page 12 is here! Hope everyone stay safe and healthy. We live in intersting time people.

If you found any error or have a suggestion for dialouge feel free to tell me in the comment.




It’s looking amazing. Love the combination of white and gold.

D Banks

Well damn so much for Holy armor guess he should not have gone in without a helmet


I take it the armor kind of solidifies and keeps him immobile in that state?

Benjamin Lawton

Typos in the dialogue that I noticed (corrections in bold): Panel #1 (top-left): "It's a Demon Seed<b>. Looks</b> like your Holy Armor <b>is</b> trying to fight it. [...]" Panel #5 (Bottom-left): "[...] Next time you talk<b>,</b> I'll cut your <b>tongue</b> out."


“I’ll cut out your tongue.” is a more aggressive and correct phrasing. Could end the first panel with, “[...] How futile. Hehehe” or “Such futility. Hahaha”


"I'll cut out your tongue" is really more of a stylistic thing. "I'll cut your tongue out" makes her sound like she's calm and lecturing as to what's going to happen, rather than threatening or angry.