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I think this the last redesign for hero full demon form and golem.

still working the next page wil coming! 

If you have any suggestion comment below!




Maybe a long hair full demon version will be better


Looking good! Especially love the golems design. The designs reminds me of the angel TG transformation you did a while ago. Which makes sense since their both men of good. Anyway real like it :3

Gustavo Tani

I like the V2, but with the longer hair of V1


Honestly I think V2 looks like a more powerful version of V1 so I think V1 should be the final form in this first part of the comic. Then in the second part have them power up into V2; which looks like a more powerful and strong version of her.


Wow, yeah, design and color theory are hard. I also lean towards V2. If a third pass is in the cards, I might: make her wingtips the pinkish color and carry over the double hair extensions from V1 (recolored of course) to echo her 'lashers'.


Also I adore both designs! So wonderfully colored and designed! Wonderful intricate designs that are nice on the eyes and display genuine beauty~ I agree with Dax said and really really REALLY love the Golems design!~ The simplistic color scheme, the hair almost looking like it can shape into hands with big square fingers, and I think she looks so serene and calm to...it's friendly(?)~

D Banks

V1 has a bit more charm to it


This golem design is just so amazing, it's the best yet! The long hair, it looks like the golem manipulates it like hands? If so that's such a good detail. And the stoic face. All of it is wonderful! The demon, I'm so torn between both versions. I love the hair of V1 more but I think V2 is the best overall. There just seems to be a sense of balance to her overall design.


V2 on account of the wing coloration. Typically, White is viewed as pure or divine, but we are working with the demonic here. Dark colors work better. Golem looks good