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I have big news! As mentioned last time, I recently got permanent residency (🎉) and this has allowed me to

a) Breathe, and

b) Shift my priorities a little

Smut-writing is one of the things that I'm best at, and it provides the most reliable portion of my income. But it does NOT get you into America, so it's been a little bit neglected as I've been focusing on that – I've still been (barely) getting my stories out each month, but it's been a long while since I posted to any of the free sites, or even had time to ask myself (or you) "hey, what would make my Patreon better?"

Sorry about that. The good news is, this is going to be one of my top priorities going forward. And so I've been thinking about it (and getting comments from some dissatisfied patrons – I am terrible at replying to comments, but I do read them!) and here's the change I've decided to implement:

Each month, I'm going to post a poll. Maybe here, maybe on the Discord, I haven't decided yet. It's going to be a list of some of my ongoing stories, and whichever story gets the most votes will get an update the following month.

(The only exceptions will be ongoing commissions: if a story is being commissioned, I need to wait for the commissioner to get back to me before continuing it.)

But everything else is fair game! Want more Blue? Vote for it in the poll! Really wish that Independence Falls had been updated in the last decade? The power is yours! Dying to read more Massaged by my Nerdy *******? Democracy!

Rather than just list every single ongoing story I have, I'm asking you what you want to see in the poll. Leave a comment with your favorite unfinished Pan story, and (provided it's not a commission), I'll be sure to include it in the poll, and the second January update will contain a new chapter of that story.

It's worth noting, this will replace the "Topsy-Turvy Tuesday in every single update" system we had going. I do plan on finishing it (and it'll be viable for the poll), but I was getting quite burned out writing it each and every month. Consistently working on a single project is, it turns out, not my strong suit.

To start this new system off, I'm happy to present a new chapter of what might be my most-requested unfinished story: Photographed by my Friend. Enjoy!!

That's all for now. Don't forget to leave your suggestions in the comments! And if there's anything else you'd like to see from my Patreon, please let me know. ❤️

Thanks so much for your support,



I'm thinking specifically of "Time Stop" and "The Ubani Code"


So yeah, those are my suggestions, if so - "Time Stop" and "The Ubani Code"