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Hello Patreons!

So I've long been obsessed with AI-generated images, and just tonight I got access to a new one which allows you to create NSFW images.

It's only anime, but I've been having a good time putting quotes from my stories in and seeing what it generates. So, I have a question for you! (You can answer in comments, PM me, or pop onto my Discord and opine there)

If I started generating an anime image for each of my new stories, would that be something you'd want?

I genuinely don't know if some people would find it off-putting (I know the anime style is very divisive) or if it would feel like you were now forced to see that as the canonical version of the character.

I wouldn't be spending hours on each image, making sure it exactly lines up to the story, and for long-running multi-chapter stories, I can't even guarantee that they'd look the same from image to image...but if that would add value to your life, let me know!

For one image per story I wouldn't have any extra charges, but if I started doing fully illustrated versions of the stories, I'd probably make that a $20+ exclusive.

Of course, I might not do any of this! Weigh in now!

Okay, time for the smut: today I have a new short story, Jacinta's Creepy Boss. If you're a $10+ backer, head over to the Discord where I'm about to post a new chapter of Diet and a new chapter of Topsy-Turvy Tuesday.

And attached to this post is an image for each of them!! Enjoy!

Thanks so much for your support,



Nicole Barovic

I certainly wouldn't complain!


I like the idea. Give it a shot….