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Hey everyone,

Sorry this is so late. I've spent the last few days dealing with a dental emergency. Basically every cent I make this month (and possibly next) is going to go towards dealing with it, and I've spent the last few days either in *intense* pain...or completely full of painkillers.

As a result, I won't have any new Mad Monday for you until December - though I'll try to make it an early post in the month to make up for the delay.

Anyway, you're not here to hear about my medical woes! Here's what I've got for you today:

Cheating on Kate - Chapter 3

The third part of my latest collaboration with BurroGirl (which, by the way, she claims is based on her life...although I've started to take some artistic licenses, and the longer the story goes, the less based-on-her-life it'll be).

If you're a $10+ backer, there's also new chapters of Hierarchy of Needs and Angry Alister going up shortly.

I'll be back in a few hours with the second half of the month's updates!

Thanks so much for your support,



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