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Hey everyone!

One of the cool things about Patreon is that I can write stuff that's a little weirder. You all know me for my delightful smut, of course, but sometimes (very rarely) the writing bug tells me to put something else together. Something that's very obviously inspired by the divorce I'm partway through.

Something that started as a sci-fi dream and became the story of a dog dying and a family ending.

I hope you'll forgive me for getting Artsy (I promise, it won't happen often), but the second update this month is a non-smut story, The Algorithm Under the School, attached. Here's the first few lines:

I parked my car inside a computer program once. Lost it forever.  
No, worse than that. It wasn’t just my car, it was most everything I owned. Clothes, electronics, suitcases. Photo albums. 
My ex-husband’s dog.  

If you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. And next month, I can promise nothing but juicy smut for your juicy brains. Pardon the interruption to your regularly-scheduled erotica. ;)

Meanwhile, in the Patreon, there's 2 new chapters of Diet (for $10+ backers). Enjoy!

Thanks so much for your support,


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