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Hello! I accidentally (absolutely accidentally) came across a video on the Internet, where I found this thing. I wanted to know if anyone knows what this thing is, what it is called and where it is sold? Of course, I'm not asking for myself, but for a friend! =D

Of course the rules of patreon don't allow not only to publish this video but not even to publish a full screenshot, so I had to improvise! I'm also not sure if I can make this post public, so let's keep it patrons-only just to be sure =D

Update of May 23th:
The toy has been found! Apparently, it was a Syvern Ⅱ toy from Swisok (https://swisok.com/products/syvern-%E2%85%B1-aria-blaze)
Thanks to our research, I learned about a lot of great things and a bunch of interesting stores!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the search! You guys are the best!




Hah, what an interesting device! Newer saw anything like this before... Will wait for someone's answer too! XD


My first guess would've been something from bad-dragon dot com, but after skimming their products it looks like it's not theirs. They have lots of similar things though


This looks a lot like https://bad-dragon.com/products/kona or https://bad-dragon.com/products/winstonstongue


According to my friend who is a little bit more into it, looks like it was custom made. To quote: "Looks to be based on https://bad-dragon.com/products/winstonstongue but made to be loooooooonger and maybe thinner"


I wondered if it was custom too. but look at the base; It's a dragon or lizard with teeth.


This base is unique, that's what he says. And right now his community consensus is that it was made by https://bad-dragon.com/pages/queue-faq. As it looks high quality, high detail but there's nothing with lizard/dragon head base


I looked at the inventory of over 30 specialty websites and Etsy shops, and I could not find one matching that, so it is very likely custom lol. However, it would seem that the specific style is called a "maw". Hope that helps "your friend" find something suitable :) basically, I checked every site on this list, plus some more. https://www.fantasticfrost.com/collection/

Axel Foxclaw

It looks like this toy: https://swisok.com/products/syvern-%E2%85%B1-aria-blaze

Ibn Nuh

The type of toy tho, I think is called a slink


I've seen similar things from BD, but it looks like this one is unique in some ways ;-)


Looks like we have our answer now! Apparently it's Syvern Ⅱ by swisok!

ben4321 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-25 22:48:24 Ever heared of an "Ovipositor dildo"?&gt;:P https://www.etsy.com/ch/listing/991493759/ice-serpent-eierstock-dildo-mit-eiern
2023-05-22 13:21:47 Ever heared of an "Ovipositor dildo"?>:P https://www.etsy.com/ch/listing/991493759/ice-serpent-eierstock-dildo-mit-eiern

Ever heared of an "Ovipositor dildo"?>:P https://www.etsy.com/ch/listing/991493759/ice-serpent-eierstock-dildo-mit-eiern


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