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It looks like Alice is away on a business trip or a business trip... 

Our kitty has been trapped in her cramped little cage for a very long time now, while our sweet filly has had time to pine for juicy oblong objects. That's the kind of strange universe they met in and came to a mutually beneficial partnership! 

The truth seems to be that it's still a surprise to Ruby that our kitty is able to take her shot even when she's not stimulating his trigger at all...




I don't mean this in a way that your artwork is bad. But it's just that, the string of come from our kitten looks like a string of filament (I recently got my own 3d printer so that's probably why I see it like that)


Haha, in fact, our kitty has gone through so many changes that I wouldn't be too surprised if instead of his usual useless juices he started secreting something useful, like filament! 😂

Ibn Nuh

Now that you mention it, it does kinda look like that.


Damn. looks like I should spend more time drawing sperm in this case 😅