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Well, it looks like our kitten hasn't been taught to choose his language very carefully! Well, he dropped his phrase rather carelessly, and now he will have to face the consequences! However, it's unlikely that silence would have made any difference at this point...


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Miko Mihulka

Love this mind fucking so much


Useful skills for the kitten? Like juggling and filing taxes?


Soon we will find out if something bad will happen to our kitty, or vice versa, something good... ;-)


Holy crap! I hope Alice has thought this moment through! I think filling out a tax return is really quite a useful skill! =D


Nah probably some nice cooking and cleaning skills those are most important for a good sissy and some oral for this lengthy oral discussions they are going to have latter.


By the way, I hadn't thought about the fact that I could really benefit from learning how to cook deliciously...


Learning to cook is easy, i use youtube for that. if you want something delicious try chicken wings in soy sous with honey, they are super easy to make and super tasty.


The last time I tried to make a dish, it took me 4 hours (6 hours if you take into account the time I spent at the store). Everything I made was really, really good, but I ate it all within 2 hours of making it... =/


Take salad bowl add chicken wings pour soy sous so it cowers them add tablespoon of honey mix it up, let them rest for 30 minute then mix it up again then wait another 30 minute next put them in to the owen for 30 minutes, and they are done, trust me they are worth every minute spent you can thank me later!


Plus it is easy to multitask will cooking doing stuff like cleaning, reading or playing some games but you always have to keep alarm clock on to not overcook the food