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Did you miss our kitten? Because I sure as hell missed him!

Everyone seems to be trying to abuse our little buddy! Even a nice lady like Kuralay has a certain interest in him. Although is that really the case, or is she just doing the job Alice gave her...?


Wet pussiеs with white nectar flowing out of them turn me on for some reason! I've wanted to draw something like that for a long time, but I haven't had an excuse, since I usually draw a different gender. Now I finally got around to doing it! Yay! Someday I'm going to draw a full-fledged Ruby comic that includes the story of how she met Alice after all...


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Maybe it's just me, but I feel the pink eyes are going a wee bit strong in these newer pics of the comic. Not to take away from the great new picture series. I love it ^^


The tension of the kitten grows with each new page, so that the pink eyes become more and more intense as well ;-)