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Has our kitten thought about what can lead to his banal desire to brighten up his evening with a beautiful lady? I don't think even in his wildest premonitions he could have foreseen such a thing.


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Yes, it looks like his glorious story has come to an end... Although who knows, maybe I'll put out a separate spin-off comic about the bolt cutter someday!

Joshua Booth

Ehhhhhhh. I'm getting real bad juju from this right about now. I hope Ginger will be okay. He is too precious to be tormented and tossed about like he doesnt even matter.

Heru Solares

Surgery? Now this just got interesting~

Eric liu

Surgery?? Uh oh


I couldn't agree more! Our kitten deserves the best! <3


I think if the kitten was conscious, he'd be very curious about that, too =D


It's just a room - it can be used for many different purposes, depending on what's on Alice's mind... ;-)


I hope she gives that guy she knocked out a stacked bimbo body


I'm more than sure Alice wouldn't just leave this guy lying in an alley anyway... ;-)