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It's been quite a while since I posted the previous page. I apologize for the long delay. I'm struggling to get my work mode up and running. Hopefully, I will be able to do so soon.

Actually, I've been a very good boy during the past year, so Santa (who was me) gave me one thing that I've wanted for quite some time in my life. Perhaps I had spent too much time playing with this... Um... Toy... Perhaps I'll tell you more about it if I ever get around to writing my blog.

Here's the finished first page of a new chapter of the adventures of the silly kitty. Looks like the rabbit hole not only turned out to be real, but it also turned out to be pretty darn deep. 


If you see any mistakes - just press this link !




sorry but what a fuck? he was in toilet, now he in research center. I hope you give some story later...


He-he, sure thing there will be an explanation. But you might already guess some ;-)


Again interesting twist in the story here Ginger


Seems like the workplace gangbang was all VR sissy training?


I mean. He already has a nice sissy clitty, so no changes there. But is that milk I see? And is he a bit softer on his chest now? Or just chemicals. We shall see.


Well, technically speaking, we can't look inside the cage, so... =P


Okay that's just cruel >:( Jk of course, but still.

Heru Solares

Hmm, I wonder at what point kitty was put under. Was the janitor ever real?


don't get me wrong, but im glad its over!:D