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Heya, damn it has been a long time, but there was not much to post, exept model progress stuff which I tried keep track on discord. With that said Agnes model finally get to stage where I can start make some lower quality stuff... I wanna post starter content this weekend and well, go on here regulary.

It should be way better then when I started with 3Ds, but also it is not yet as good as was my late content.. fair to say motion wise and animation wise is new model by far superiror to old one, which should pay off with more parts finished.

With unreal 5 open for public (aka me) is possible to put new model in it and do animations within this engine. Which will be great, but also will take some time to learn how to do such things, so for some time till that I will do animations in blender. Which means easy to make minutes long stuff within day, but simple lights and shadows...

Also small announce about whole theme of my work...for some time I had struggle in which universe put my stuff....wh40k is my fav but got strick "no fanmade" animation policy...mass effect is cool, but got not much stuff going on...star wars are huge franchise but well, its not warhammer :D 

So after some thinking I decide to go with melhounds setup as mercenary agency for all franchises:) still need to polish some details, but this way will be most doors open and may be actuall fun content to do. 

At last, but definetly not least important, massive thanks to all of you who left here, honestly did not expect anyone to remain for so long with no content and it is amaizing. Somehow I not managed in all those years to get my mindset in bigger numbers or above fans, so I'm really happy for every comment, message or view of my content. Always feel free to talk with me :) Preferably on discord...



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