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Hello, so with all new models and posibilities I wonder which way would you like stories to be made:? As main goal is Agnes's story with reasonable nudity,sex scenes and fights .. 

Probably most fast are render comicses with talk bubles, but as much I like single shots and pinups, puted into comics it not feels as entertaining as classic lineart based comicses... or would you prefer just all in animations or some fun hybrid as comics panels in video with characters voice overs reading bubbles? 



How about 3D render comics, but with animations for the sex scenes?


i love the idea of a voice over comics. though i would prefer the quality of the 3d renders and then at the end as a bonus a voice over of it.


I’m torn. Comics mean we’ll get more updates as animations take a lot of work. I’d sorta like to see both. Comics would let you test out more scenarios, and then animate the popular ones. In either case, keep it coming!