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Here is the cover for my first comic! Serah sure has gone through some makeovers since the first time I wrote about her shrinking some perv in her class. I took a long break after starting the first color pages but I’m really happy to have “finished” a color version that I can be kinda proud of.

I’m trying to set some goals for this month for what I want to get done.

-Make a bonus page of Serahs Curse that will be for patreon only

-go over Serahs Curse 1 color pages to fix little things and get it all ready and together to put up on gum road.

-make a new banner for patreon, Twitter, DA,

- go over Ruby’s Revenge to fix little things and get it all ready and together to put up on gum road. I think I want to change a couple pages to take out some of the wincest with her stepson. I want Ruby’s story to be something more mainstream I can share.

-finish a new page of Sapphire.

Thank you all for you support, old patrons, new patrons, former returning patrons. If it weren’t you I wouldn’t be able to keep the lights on, so I appreciate it.



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