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You have had the most wonderful day, far away from work, full of good food, fresh from a beautiful show, and with him standing beside you on the balcony of your hotel room...

*Early Access to next Monday's Reddit post! 



I love it, it’s perfect, you keep on getting better and better, it’s a miracle and I’m forever grateful. Like really. I realize I sound sarcastic in text but I’m just earnest AF. Your ability to get what I mean, what I want to feel, even when I can’t ask with words, is completely remarkable to me. And.. you have been a huge part of a gigantic shift in my life. Just by being yourself and doing your thing. Being a tiny part of your community has truly helped me with self-acceptance, which has in turn changed my whole life. So.. thank you, Eli. I appreciate you, your whole self, the welcoming culture you cultivate. And of course your fucking skills dude! 10/10, would commission again 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


Oh Eli. Putting me in the most delicious haze. Your audios always put me in a different world away from all the chaos. I thank you so much for it. 💚


You are too sweet, Sarah. I'm so glad that it was everything you'd hoped, and that I could live up to the high pedestal of expectations you put me on 😁💕💕