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You decide it's time to share the truth with Moshet. He's been honest enough, and more than helpful so far. Maybe it's for the best he knows what's really going on...



thank you eli for another audio great job ❤️


Elliii!!!! Another wonderful episode! I miss seri so much so it was so nice having them back even just for a moment! Also the “what should we do?”s at the end of the episodes always make me nervous but i love it!!!! Thanks eli cant wait for the next one!!!!🖤


Eee what a peculiar episode, this was really interesting and fun, always perplexed where you are taking us.. The sex scene was so so bittersweet 🥲, kinda devastating but hey we love that 😌. Especially loved the sound design for it, the way my eyes widened when I heard Seri 🥹, and the overall feelings the scene invoked. Well doooone thank youu, good soundddss. X.


You’re so creative! SFX we’re great as usual. Thank you for all your hard work!! 🖤


Hehe gotta give that tasty cliffhanger energy for ya! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🥰💕


I am also always perplexed where I'm taking y'all. Haha I'm glad you liked it! It was as always, another fun one 🥰💕


Thank you! I'm always trying new things, and trying to see where a story can take me/you guys. I'm glad you like it! 🥰💕