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Your friend is sick and feeling a bit lonely, so you take some time to make him soup and listen to him ramble away...

*Early Access to next Monday's Reddit audio! A new comfort audio for Reddit and to be made into a video for YouTube. It's been a while and I really wanted to do this one last month, but time got away from me. Oh well! It's here now. 🥰





Awww this is pretty fricken cute, the lil sippies at the end 😭


Ellllliiiii!!!! Holy shit! This was so so so soooo sweet! I loved it! Avgolemono sounds so yummy!


Avgolemono is incredible. There's a Greek restaurant in town that makes it just like my Yiayia used to. 🥰


What the heck, this was soo cyute! A nice palate cleanser after the heartache you caused, smart.


Dude the timing of this is wild! As someone whose been sick for like 3 months and just getting over a sinus infection I’m in love with this. Keep it up dude