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"We already took one risk. Should we take another?"



Count your days you sicko🙎🏾


Hmm this familiar pain in my chest.. I wonder what that’s from.. OH WAIT ahh how could I forget? Eli likes to impale his listeners in the mf chest and twist the knife, silly me 🤪. I wanna give you my thoughts but I don’t think you deserve them… LOL KIDDING. Anyway, the suspense in this episode was gnarly, and you did so well performing the argumentative dialogue, the emotions leading up, during, and after 🥲. I’m curious/nervous the lengths this group will go to possibly try and save one of their own. This episode was so so so good, so thx for the heartbreak ✌🏻😛 amaze sfx. X.


No root beer for you this week *squint* joking aside fantastic story telling as usual… I’ll be in the sad sack corner with everyone else lol 😭


Elllliiiiiiiiiaaaaasssss!!!!!!! Wow eli just wow! I totally did not see this coming! I am both devastated and amazed! Everything was so well done as always! But your performance was especially good in this one! The sorrow in your voice was so moving! Just incredible job once again Eli! You’re such a talented story teller and I cannot wait to hear whatever happens next! I am definitely not looking forward to this series ending😭🖤


My god Eli! Your range is insane! I am bawling my eyes out right now, I hope your happy, jk. Much love to you, this was fantastic even though my heart aches, I can't wait to see what the next episode will entail 💚


Wow! Well this was fucking rude! I was listening to this in public and was NOT READY! How dare you!


ELI…………………. The way I’ve known this day was gonna come since the beginning I was just hoping I was wrong 😭 I love how dark and twisty this is getting. My love for this series is only growing and I can’t wait for more 🫶


I've been counting since Lessons. Things seem to be going well regardless... 👀💕


Thank YOU Carrie for sharing your thoughts!!! It's always such a boost knowing that y'all actually get so invested in the characters that it makes you feel so sharply and that you can get tense/stressed by the more serious episodes. Thank you... 🥰💕💕


Thank you Mouse! I'm sorry that a sad sack corner is even necessary... but I'm so glad that you like my work nonetheless 💕💕


Jaciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thank youuuuu!!!! And don't worry. There's still QUITE a bit left of this story. 💕💕


Aww... I'm so glad that my work can do that. Bring real emotion out of you. Thank you so much for listening and commenting, and I look forward as well to what comes next! 🥰💕


I'M SORRY! (notreally) I WISH THINGS COULD BE BETTER (honestlyimprettyhappywithhowthisturnedout) 🥰💕


Well I'm sorry your premonition came true, but I'm glad that you're still enjoying the story regardless. Thank you so much for listening and for sharing your thoughts! 🥰💕


ELI! how DARE you hurt my feelings on such a beautiful sunday afternoon 😭 I do have to say that i think this may be one of my new favorite episodes acting wise! the way you're able to portray all the different emotions throughout this whole series is beyond amazing but there was just something about this episode that went above and beyond what you've already done! very well done ❤️


Thank youuuu!!! I really do try my best to make every new episode feel that much more interesting and immersive and emotional, and I'm glad that I'm at least bringing something exciting to life for you all 🥰💕


I made the mistake of listening to this at work. 😭 I don't like it here anymore. (actually I fucking love it. Can't get enough, keep up the amazing work. Your writing and acting are great) if Seri isn't alive and well next time I'm fighting you. 😤


Aww I'm sorry haha but I'm glad you enjoyed it, and glad you've caught up so you can be involved in the votes from now on! 🥰


Eli…. Listen here you punk I didn’t sign up to sob today. Seri is not supposed to go out like this stop doing this to me


Listennnnn... I'm sorryyyyyyy!!! 🥺 I just really really really like making some emotions! 💕
