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I'M ALIVE!!!! It's good to be back. Talking about where I've been and what I've been up to (or more like how I've been laid up in bed like a potato) for the last while (all over some beats that really help me seem considerably more like I'm on top of things and not about to fall into a giant whirlpool of work and wildness, cuz I'm a slut for some beats that really help me seem considerably more like I'm on top of things and not about to fall into a giant whirlpool of work and wildness).


Amie Moni

Welcome back


Welcome back, Buddy!


Glad you’re not dead! I missed your voice buddy🖤🖤🖤(I’m fully expecting you to give yourself breaks more regularly in the future🔫🤨)


I’m glad that you’re feeling better pal! (next time you refuse to take a break, I’m kicking your ass..)


Glad you're feeling better... Please take your time and take breaks :D


Welcome Back!!! It’s very good to hear your voice again!!! I’m so sooo sooooo glad you’re feeling a better! Be sure to keep taking care of yourself and take it easy!! Glad to have ya back🖤


So wonderful to hear your voice again, Eli. Welcome back! Please keep on giving yourself the space to heal and the grace to just start fresh. You deserve this and more. 💜


welcome back eli, lovely to hear your voice again!! great to hear that you are feeling better and back up on your feet again too! if you wanna find something positive about this situation, maybe this showed you that you can take breaks dood and nothing irreversible is gonna happen if you do so, so don’t push yourself too far in the future lol and take breaks when you feel like you need it 🤍