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Hello lovely peoples! I have been in bed since about 1 PM yesterday feeling worse than I think I’ve ever felt. That is not an exaggeration 🫠

I was planning to be back to the normal schedule much sooner, but it appears the universe has said NO. I’m sorry for the continuous delays. Once I am feeling like more than a melted pile of potatoes, I look forward to getting back to work. 🐳💕



Take care of yourself first. We need you around for years to come. We love our potato at his best or worse. But don't make yourself worse


Try to get lots of rest and remember to keep hydrated! I hope you get well soon! 🖤


Better listen to the universe! Please oh please keep on resting.


Take lots of rest, Eli! I hope you feel better soon.


*virtual huhs* i hope you rest as much as you need!!


hug your fur babies, stay hydrated, eat and keep resting bud! Its always best to listen to what your body tells you. hope you feel better soon eli 💕🫂


It's okay Eli! Just rest with the fur babies and have some tea or whatever cozy thing will help you feel better *hug*


Take all the time you need! Hope you feel better! Sending tons of love! 💚


Oof, that's not fun, hope you feel better soon!