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You gaze out at the open ocean before you, an endless expanse of blue bleeding into black. Kheen's Reaper carries your party out further and further from home until it's all but lost over the horizon. You've never left the island before. Now, you don't know if you'll ever get back... 

Amporia. You must get to Amporia...



Holy fuck, Eli!!! This was so good. The sound effects were so completely immersive. Fastest 17 minutes of my life, I swear. I couldn’t believe we were at the ending already. Thank you for the sweet scene with our trio 🥺 and also I’m so annoyed at you for being so good at this.. you really sounded like you were about to cough up a lung. If you weren’t such a good actor, would our characters be safer??


Ellliii!!!! ELIIIIIIIIIIII!!! This was amazing but you've made me cry yet again! I don't think I know anyone who matches your quality of content! The script, the sfx, the editing, and your performance, everything is just so incredibly well done. And its really kewl how you make us feel so important to the story. You make every decision seem so important and then we get to choose which makes this series (along with the others) just feel so special. And it's really kewl to me to help create this story with the other patrons and you. Anyways just another job well done Eli! You're probably the most talented person I know! Thanks for another amazing ep! I can't wait for the next!!!🖤


😦……… I am so profoundly, and joyfully in awe of this series. I’ve been meaning to say that I LOVE the contrast of the mechanical sfx and nature ambiance through out the whole of EB, each episode is so special in its overall vibe, you did so good executing them (executing feels like too small of a word for what you’ve done, it genuinely feels silly). These last two episodes are unbelievably jam packed in incredible sound design, I could listen to them over and over again and still get deeply affected by the overwhelming aesthetic and how it adds so much to the narrative. How deeply emotional I can get from your extensive sound design and (wow I’m mentioning your performance again, what a shocker) your performance is so adored. The writing from the last crossroads made my stomach hurt and look up with crinkled eyes in emotional agony ugggh Eli, I’m dramatic, but that was a lot to read in the target parking lot and then have to proceed home in DEEEP thought and anticipation. So to hear you perform that dialogue - CRIED. Straight away. 😂 In short: Mehtet missing - emo. Sibling-hood theme throughout the series - emo. Mikal describing being inside the reaper - emo. Nelo sounding like that, and me fucking knowing you were building up to this - emo Thx 😚✌🏻 good sounds x


Jaciiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!! You're always so sweet oh my god... I really try, with each and every episode to make it worth your time and emotional energy. I have so much fun creating these audios, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride 🥰💕


Carrie Carrie Carrie... I'm sorry for making you feel so emotional and invested. I'm just having such a load of fun making these, and I can't help but try and steal your heart and mind with every new episode. Thank you so much for sticking with me on this series and for your kind words. Here's to the next one 🥰💕