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Talking a little about loving side projects and about what I'm up to this week (all over some chill beats you'd hear when you and your friend Dimas go up to the mountaintop with that little weird radio he always has and just sip some hot drinks and look out over the quaint little village he lives in, cuz I'm a slut for some chill beats you'd hear when you and your friend Dimas go up to the mountaintop with that little weird radio he always has and just sip some hot drinks and look out over the quaint little village he lives in).



I knew you were enjoying our freaking out you big meanie :P


Of course you get enjoyment out of torturing us. Reading the case files has been so fun and look forward to more of your little side projects :3


Hey I’m listening to this a week late and I’m so happy you just postponed this to the next morning 💜