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You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, yet it's not quite the heat you remember. It's colder... emptier than it used to be. The wind feels shallow and thin. The waves don't seem to crash and churn anymore, merely lap at the shore of the island.

Seaweed. Seri asked for seaweed. You wade into the water and realize it's almost like you hardly feel it. The waves almost part on their own as they pass you, and you walk effortlessly into the surf. The world is... weaker. Emptier. Quieter. 

There is so much happening and yet... here it is quiet. But for how long?



Elllliiii yet another amazing ep!!!!!! This seem to really be progressing quickly now! I can't wait to hear what happens next! Terrific job Eli!!!!🖤


Such dynamic sound design as always. Specifically, the part where you isolated the vocals to virtual placements was everything. You have been killing that in so many of your recent audios, each proceeding the next in its 3D audio effects. V cool and fun to hear. Xxxx nothing new, just in awe.


It's been a slow build for quite some time now. It's time to start the plunge into the action and emotions!!! 😁


You're always so sweet pointing out the design aspects of my work. It makes me so happy that the little details I pour my heart and soul into really matter 🥰💕