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Talking about my week and what I'm up to (all over some fun, relaxing, jazzy beats that you'd hear when you visit your friendly neighbor who has a cane made of peppermint and whose house definitely seems a little too much like gingerbread to be normal but it's all good because his hot cocoa is the chocolatiest and his stories about his life are hilarious and fascinating, cuz I'm a slut for some fun, relaxing, jazzy beats that you'd hear when you visit your friendly neighbor who has a cane made of peppermint and whose house definitely seems a little too much like gingerbread to be normal but it's all good because his hot cocoa is the chocolatiest and his stories about his life are hilarious and fascinating.)



The tiny little “bye” when I was bracing myself for some goober level volume 😂 so excited to see what the new audio has in store 💕


Thank you for posting these. I love them so much, because your silly jokes always make me laugh. YAY MOM I always appreciate when other people mention that they stay up late and sleep late. Morning people have entirely too much power. YAY READING NIGHT! 🥰