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The steel beast corrals you towards the beach, the warm sand under your feet almost comforting you against the brisk ocean air. Kheen steps proudly, Nelo in tow, as he takes you towards a large wooden cage. It is well kept, and out of reach of the tide, but a cage nonetheless. You feel a pang of fear, but it is overtaken by an even greater feeling... a greater fear... and it is not your own.



Oh. That’s a lot to take in 😳 I’m side eyeing Kheen until further notice 🤨 I’ve got so many questions now 😅


Ellliiiiiii!!!!!!!! ELLLIIII!!! This ep was so good! We got to learn so much! Mehtet has definitely become one of my fave characters! And the shorelands sound beautiful! I dont think I've properly expressed how much I am loving this series! Yk I love Lessons and AA and all the other lil series, but something about Earthblood is just so special for me! I will impatiently be waiting for the next ep! Hopefully Seri will be back then! Fantastic job yet again Eli your performance was amazing as always and so were the sfx!🖤


Ahhh I love this episode, in that we are learning so much as these characters start seeing perspectives outside their own, making me v curious abt “intentions” of others 😏. I couldn’t help smiling at the lil “perspective flash” in the beginning bc of how cool it sounded. Listening to these has been so fun with analyzing and interpreting your delivery and intonation (certain phrases have this greater emotional impact in my brain when I listen), what you show us in each splice, expanding on this world/story. I am perplexed, intrigued, FERVENT for more 💗 as always, thank youu, good sounds x. ₜₕₑ “ₚₗₑₐₛₑ” ₐₜ ₜₕₑ ₑₙd 😭 ₛₜₒₚ 😖


Hehe this episode was definitely a big dump of info/thoughts. I'm glad you're keeping your eyes on Kheen though! 😁💕


Thank youuu!! Earthblood is pretty special to me as well, given the first episode was the first thing I posted on my Patreon. It's a special series, and I'm so excited to keep at it for quite some time 🥰💕


Thank you so much Carrie!! That little flash at the beginning was a fun thing to edit for sure so I'm glad you liked it! And I am very excited to share more to come! 🥰💕