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Kalu. Kalu. Kalu. That is your name. That is who you are now. That is your name. That is who you are. Your power. Your spirit. Kalu.

The final ceremony awaits. Nelo smiles excitedly as he pulls you aside to help you adorn your skin with the sacred ink...



Elllliiiiiii!!!!!!! Yet another amazing episode!!!!! I love how intimate all of the sex scenes are! And Seri is very correct Nelo is extremely lucky but so is Kalu bc Nelo is fucking great! Also The drums and beads were sm fun I was dancing along to the drums lol I'm also really glad Kalu won. It just fits so well I think! I really am so hooked to this series! It has such a different feel from anything else you've created idk how to explain it but it's amazing and I cannot wait for more!!! 🖤


The sfx and design in this was vv satisfying, the knocking over of objects on the table, the sound of grass beneath our feet, the drums and beads were sick. We’ve been so spoiled with the fire and rain sounds in this specific series too, which I adore! The coldness of the wind at the end was FELT. The panning you did during the sex scene… 😌 loved the possessiveness/neediness Nelo has begun to have, and of course the growth of him and Kalu’s intimacy. Gorge as always, terrific sounds, DYING to know what happens next and trying to figure out which direction/angle you will go before it happens while also being incredibly nervous abt it…


Thank you so much as always Jaci! I am having a fun time creating this one for sure! I think the main difference in this series (aside from setting obviously) is that it's moving a lot slower than the others, and with the smaller cast as well it can feel like it's much more intimate. (Or just that it's like wading through molasses idk) I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, and I hope to keep creating a fun story for you along the way 🥰💕


I'm definitely keeping a tight lip on the main plot so far, but we're right on the cusp of something for sure... (beyond the relationship with Nelo of course!) I'm so glad you're enjoying it, and I can't wait to see what happens next! 🥰💕


the plot thickens! *rubs hands together* i’m very curious to learn what exactly happened to kalu when they were playing the song to summon the mother, and i have a feeling it’s related to the idol. also curious about seri, i sense a love triangle forming 🤔 the pacing in this series is slower compared to the others, but i have really enjoyed the change of pace honestly. i think it speaks to your skills as a storyteller that you can create both types of stories so well, because although this is slower it’s never boring. with each episode this world becomes more vivid to me, and i love seeing how nelo and kalu’s relationship has developed so far. at this point they seem so comfortable and at ease with each other - there’s so much love and understanding between them. and there’s been some really beautiful moments in this series, the creation story definitely being one of them. i’ve been thinking lately about the challenges of jobs that are mostly on the creative side of things, and the fact that you are able to maintain a schedule while creating a beautiful story all from your own imagination is truly very impressive. you’re awesome dude, can’t wait to see what happens next! thank you for this lovely episode 🤍✨


Thank you so much Cosmic!!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying it, and appreciating the slow build of the characters and the world. I'm definitely taking a little different of an approach with that, and it's nice to know that it's not lost on you guys. It is a challenge for sure maintaining the creativity, the motivation, the effort, all while trying to work on how many different projects, and my daily life as well. BUT it's still amazing that this is how I get to spend my days. And it's all thanks to you. 🥰💕💕


That first drum beat gave me literal goosebumps! 🤩 I am so inlove with the little details and all the information you're giving us in these series. I'm so invested in the tribe/clan because you really took time to tell the story of their lore, histories, and traditions-- it's so fascinating! 🤩 That little "Nelo sure is lucky" from Seri tugged at my heart omg 😭 (but I'm still sus 'cause I'm pretty sure they got a crush on Nelo 👀). And the BITING AND MARKING PART!!! I love me a good chomp 😋 Thank you for another wonderful audio, Eliii 🥰


Thank you Snarky!!! I really want this place to feel special for you all, and that it matters. It's not just a base of operations or a group of friends, but a home. Thank you so much for listening and commenting! 🥰💕