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Talking about recent work, upcoming work, and being busy (all over some sexy beats you'd definitely hear walking into that cool monster cafe you've been eyeing for the last couple weeks but never had the courage yet to enter because you and the cute vampire barista met eyes once while you were peeking in the window, cuz I'm a slut for sexy beats you'd definitely hear walking into that cool monster cafe you've been eyeing for the last couple weeks but never had the courage yet to enter because you and the cute vampire barista met eyes once while you were peeking in the window).



Is that a sliver of imposter syndrome that I hear at the end there? Eli! You are amazing, your work is incredible, and anyone would be lucky to be asked to collaborate with you. Don’t be shy or embarrassed. You’re wonderful. 💜🐳


your rambles are really fun 🥺


Thank you so much! I try to keep them entertaining while also giving you all a look into what I'm up to behind the scenes. 🥰💕