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A list of every speaking character and a breakdown of appearances in each episode!


Earthblood - The Cast

The Cast (in order of appearance) Nelo - Friend from Childhood, Elemental, and Lover Urupo - Elder, and Mehtet - Spirit under the mountain, Brother of Mukhet Mukhet - Spirit under the mountain, Brother of Mehtet The Earth Mother - Ancient spirit of creation Episode 1: Chosen -Nelo Episode 2:...



Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️🥲 (PS I want you to know that my request for a cast list has nothing to do with your amazing work and everything to do with my inability to focus on more than one thing at a time. I would always flip back to the characters list in every Shakespeare play we studied. I was hopeless with Russian literature! My patient spouse just sighs and explains when I pause a movie and ask “who is that again?” Of course subtitles are always on. I’ve always loved reading and storytelling, and needing these extra accommodations makes me feel dumb. I know, I know, I’m not…but i feeeeeeeeel it. So extra double triple thank yous for the extra assistance. This will help me immerse completely in your world and your incredible work of writing, storytelling, voice acting, and sound designing. Ever so grateful.) 🐳💖


That is no problem at all! I'm more than happy to help make the experience better when I can 🥰