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Sleepily talking about this week and what I'm up to (all over some sexy, building cyberpunk beats that really capture the vibe of a wide landscape shot of The City as you enter, the rain beating on the viewport of your air car, cuz I'm a slut for some sexy, building cyberpunk beats that really capture the vibe of a wide landscape shot of The City as you enter, the rain beating on the viewport of your air car).



the end of dying light 2 sounds about as disappointing as the final season of game of thrones hope you can get some better sleep and some time to relax within your busy schedule!


Oh my god that's such an accurate comparison!!! Overall a great experience, and then out of nowhere the ending is just terribly written, and so much lower quality than the rest of the experience! 😂


I’ve never played the Dying Light series. What did you find so disappointing about the ending? Can’t speak for everybody else but I’m not personally concerned about spoilers as I have a massive backlog of other video games to attend to first.


So for the most part the game is played pretty seriously when concerning the main plot. And until the ending, the writing isn't terrible. (It's actually really decent for a zombie game, as those have generally terrible stories.) BUT, in the last 30 minutes, they try to wrap up 60 hours worth of emotional baggage and buildup with forcing you into overly long cutscenes, a false choice that doesn't matter because it's the end of the game and no longer has bearing on everything else you've done, and a monster boss fight that is poorly designed, and not overly interesting or well acted. Then they throw you into a choice that is well explained, but they give you a second chance to choose that makes it seem like your choice won't matter. And in the end, it doesn't. The option to let your love interest sacrifice herself to save everyone, is just ignored and she is saved without any explanation or resolution. (After some second thought, the saving makes a tiny bit of sense as earlier you are given a choice of letting her kill her ex boyfriend, or sparing him, and he's the one who saves her in the end, but still... it's not well presented in the end and not given any time or energy to sit with the player.) The main villain turns out to be your father (not a horrible twist in general storytelling, but just felt so contrived given the seriousness of everything else) and your sister, the character you've spent the entire game trying to find, just dies. Her death could have been emotional or impactful, but instead it just "happens" without any fanfare or worth. You're both adults now so this character that you've only seen as a child (from memory sequences of you two when you were arguably 9 years old?) is suddenly supposed to be a fleshed out character as an adult that you should care about beyond the fact that you knew each other as kids. The entire backstory of you, your father, and your sister's relationships is revealed just in the last 10 minutes, and is given no time or energy to develop, or sit with the player. It's a great game for the gameplay, and a decent game for the story and characters, but the ending just throws away all the good will built up throughout. Which is sad, because I genuinely enjoyed the 60 odd hours I played otherwise. SO YEAH, that's my experience with Dying Light 2.


Picked up a used and cheep copy of original Dying Light at the local mom and pop gamer shop on the way home, will give it a go here soon. It took a second to jar my memory but I had a patient about a month or so back that recommended Dying Light. Really cool kid with an unfortunate life long disease where playing video games is his only social outlet due to physical limitations. I told him my tops are open world rpg and asked what he recommended for switch and that is the one he picked. I'm so glad you brought this game up so I remembered my hospital buddy. It's a PS4 used copy but whatevs. I'll just play it when I'm actually at home. I feel like I too am now rambling. I feel ya about being invested in a video game, whether emotionally or financially or just the amount of time spent to grind end game and to get to actual end game with that What The Fuck feeling realizing the dev's rushed the ending or worse it's an unfinished game. I'm in game purgatory with one of the titles I'm currently grinding where it requires an ungodly amount of time to build your characters offensive fighting kit but the game has no true end game or replayable content. So my account for that title is kind of just in limbo. Glad I caught a bit of the twitch stream and nice to meet some of the other patrons from here as well. Hope you guys all have a great day tomorrow. Later dudes


I enjoyed the first game so much that I've played through it start to finish and through the expansion that adds a bunch more content, 4 times. AND I've made other people play coop with me like 3 other times. It's such a fun and well realized game, and all the pieces really come together. It's definitely a game from the early 2010s, so it has it's limitations in some areas, but overall it's a gorgeously realized game with so much fun built into it. Also, I was so excited to play it that I played on my laptop at the time that wasn't able to play it at anything but the lowest possible settings, and lowest resolution, and STILL was running at like 25 frames per second. STILL worth it. 😂