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A future on the distant horizon, determination in your mind, and comrades at your back. The end of a long road, and the beginning of a new one.



I can't believe it's over. This series has fed me, bathed me, tucked me into bed, and sang me to sleep. 😭 I'm going to miss all of them. I'm a little sad we had a gun slinging, shapeshifting, demon, alien and the beacon didn't get a fuck in 😄. Anyways, thank you for putting out this wonderful peice of work. Onto the Lessons!


Well you do have the Epilogue "One More Field Mission" as well if you haven't listened to that yet! Just a nice little warm cozy episode with the boys for those missing the series. Also the reason there is no alone time scene with the Demon is because his heart and body belong to someone special (specifically the Listener character in Lessons) so hopefully you'll get plenty more enjoyment from that 🥰💕


The epilogue was perfection. And I'm even more excited for Lessons now! If this keeps up I will happily give you all my money, within reason of course 😄


Eliii I'll have you know I'm typing this with tears in my eyes! They're definitely happy tears tho! I'm so extremely proud of what you've created! I'm so incredibly honored that I even just got to witness it! It has truly been such a beautiful journey and I just want to thank you for taking us along with you! I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed by you! Also at the end with the music my brain imagined credits rolling and just "*insert characters name*portrayed by Eli" and I don't think I've smiled so hard in my life! I really cannot stress enough how proud I am of you!!!!! Amazing job Eli! Just amazing!!!!🖤


Goodness gracious, this made me tear up. You're a masterful storyteller, big guy. You've one-upped yourself with each new episode, and it's honestly hard to believe AA's over. Great job, a million times over Eli! I can't wait for the one-shots, and whatever you conjure up for the next series.


Eli.. 🥹 I’m so.. emotional. This has been such a wild ride and I hope you understand how amazing you are to have created this series. I’m so happy to have joined the Patreon to feed on this and on what is to come. You’re great. Ahh. Just thank you. 😌😘💞


Man. I wish I can tell you every emotion that I felt while listening to this, but if I’m being honest I don’t think words can even fully encapsulate all of them. I know you’re probably tired of hearing me say this, but I am genuinely and wholeheartedly so proud of you. This series has been such a wild rollercoaster of emotions and you’ve manage to keep everyone on their toes from episode one and til the very end. You really do have such an amazing talent from writing, recording, editing, delivering and literally everything in between. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Love you so much and here’s to new adventures. 💞


I can't believe the series is over ohmygod 🥹 It's been such an adventure from start to finish. These characters and episodes are such a staple in my weeks, and now I'm equally sad that we've come to an end and excited for what's to come next!! 😭💕 You are an amazing, AMAZING creator and I'm always proud and in awe of the things you do. Thank you so much for thisss aaaaah it's so bittersweet 🥺🥰💕💕


jaciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank youuuuuu! That's so damn sweet oh my god! I was thinking of credits too, and in keeping with how Lessons ended with music as well, I figured it was a good tradition to keep with. It has truly been amazing creating this series with you guys, and I am so excited to see where we go next 🥰💕


I'm not crying because it's over. I'm crying for all of the characters journeys and the growth that ONE MAN has been able to put into this epic. If we could have a movie adaptation, this would give star wars and star trek a run for its money


Aww thank you so much Raye!!! It's insane that we've reached the end... I still can't believe it's been this long now, and how far we've come. Here's to our next adventure! 🥰💕


I'm so glad you were able to come join us for this journey! It's been amazing working on this, and having your input. It really is a pleasure to create for you all. 🥰💕


I'll never get tired of sharing my passion with you all. It's been truly amazing working on this series, having you all here to listen and theorize and just have fun. I'm so glad that this series was as fun and interesting and emotional and enjoyable as you all make it out to be. Thank you for coming on this adventure with me. 🥰💕


Snarkyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! You are way too sweet... It's been a crazy time these last two years creating content, but these two series have been truly some of the most amazing things I've had the pleasure of working on. I am so proud of how far we've come, and of my work. I'm so happy you got to come along for the ride, and that you enjoyed it so much! Here's to our next adventure! 🥰💕


Elvian that's way too sweet oh my god 😂 Thank you so much for all the love and support along the way. It's been truly amazing creating this series for you all. I can't wait to see where we go next! 🥰💕


Aaaaahh, I'm so sad this series is over 😭 it was so good and definitely a favorite, but I also can't wait until the next one because I'm sure it'll be just as phenomenal as is all your work 💚💚


It's truly the end of an era. A whole chapter of my life. But yes, I am also very excited to see where we go next! 🥰💕


So I finished the series and I’m just blown away. It’s truly incredible that you came up with this story in all its complexity, that each character is so.. thoughtfully taken care of and that you fucking voiced all of them?! I just… dude, there’s seriously no words to adequately describe how amazing it is that you created this, and you deserve to feel really proud of yourself because it not only takes talent but a lot of hard work. I think it would be clear to anyone listening to this that you poured yourself into this project, and it absolutely paid off. I love how all of the characters have their own unique personalities, but there are some characters that just end up taking residence in my heart, and Rupert is one of them. He’s demonstrated so much growth over the course of this series, and I absolutely love the person he became in the end. To be clear, I loved him from the start, even with his flaws. He’s so charming, an idealist, a romantic at heart with a passion for knowledge and exploration. But his desire for freedom and discovery sometimes means he abandons the ones he loves. He is selfish in this way, but that doesn’t mean his love for Ian and Jakob is any less real. It’s interesting because I’m reading a book with a couple that parallels Ian and Rupert, and there’s a quote that I think describes Rupert, and quite honestly most people in general: “It’s always been fascinating to me how things can be simultaneously true and false, how people can be good and bad all in one, how someone can love you in a way that is beautifully selfless while serving themselves ruthlessly” 

In the end, though, Rupert sacrificed himself for the greater good, just as his lover did, and I like to believe they’re reunited, another time, another place :) and now AA has the chance to be what it was always meant to be, now the anomalies can be nurtured instead of locked away and inspected like science experiments. A beautiful ending to this series, but also the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony for AA. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it with us- I will cherish this story and these characters, and I can’t wait to see what you do next! 🤍


Thank you so much, cosmic. I don't have nearly the words to say how grateful I am that people enjoy and appreciate my work with such wholeheartedness. I really did put my all into this series, from the writing, to the performing, to the editing, and it means so much to me. And to come and see such caring and thoughful comments on it just makes my day, my week, my month. It's crazy... So thank you. Thank you so much. 💕💕💕


What a thrill. Beautiful work! ❤️💔❤️‍🩹 no more words. Just… warmth. (PS I was too wrapped up in the story to remember to comment on every episode but I heard those LotR references and love you even more for them)


Hehe I had to get a LotR reference in somewhere! Classic duo hating each other and eventually becoming great friends and battle buddies? Hell yeah. Haha I'm so glad you listened to this series and enjoyed it! It was one of my favorite things I've ever done, and definitely one of my proudest achievements in my entire life. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and enjoy, and to comment such sweet words along the way. 🥰💕