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Picking up where we left off... now it's my turn... 



*Read breathplay* 😳😮‍💨🥴👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Eli! Holy shit!!!!! This was so good! So hot!!!!!! I loved the first one so much and go back to it frequently so im so glad you made a sequel! Your voice was so soft but also so seductive holy shit! The bg music was so good! Yet ANOTHER audio to add to my long list of faves!!! Thanks so much for sharing another one of you delicious audios with us!! 🖤


so umm some points were made… nice work bud.


once again thank you eli hunny bun for another audio 💚❤️🥺💋


Thank you Jaci!!! Whenever I read through the suggestion box I always see requests for sequels to one off audios, and then I love to take some of the tag/content suggestions and throw them together. This one just sounded like a tasty treat to share. 🥰💕


Who is this girl who doesn’t want more from you? Who just lets you leave without snuggles and a cup of tea?? Is it …. me? About to get on with the rest of her day, with no one the wiser? I mean … maybe so. But I still want my snugz. 😻😻😻


Hahaha well I think the energy around a booty call is probably a bit different, but I'm sure they would appreciate snuggles and tea for sure 😂💕


True … my old monogamous self doesn’t have much practical experience with booty calls 😬🤭🫣 I can’t imagine being made to feel like 🫠🫠🫠 and then to say ✌🏼peace out, i want to be alone ✌🏼 … This is maybe a chicken/egg situation