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Joining the Mile High Club was never this fun!

Script by the ever wonderful Myrythwyn.

(Early Access to next Monday's episode!)



My favorite dentist made me finally get over my fear of the dentist office 😉 🥰


Okay, I feel bad for only commenting on this now because my initial listen was literal DAYS ago when it was released. (But with good reason because we’ve been through a lot this week.) So let me give my thoughts because better late than never. So firstly, holy crap what a way to end the series with a bang (pun intended?). You really know how to bring the sexy spy vibes to audio, Eli. Second, the shoot-out scene towards the end? Perfection. The timing, the editing, the performance. *chef’s kiss* And finally, my favourite part: the PSA guy and the booth operator listener getting it on. Not to disregard the rest of the audio, but that part turned me on the most, as short as it was. Overall, the audio made Buttercup buttercream so much (I’ll show myself out, that was terrible) Thank you for this experience Eli and Myry. I enjoyed the adventure. Big love to both of you as always. 💖