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You know, with all these content leaks I've been thinking about sending you guys all the rewards via DM instead of posting them as I've been doing all this time (yeah i know a lil bit late on that haha).

What you all thing about it?

The downside of it of course will be not being able to search specific content or posts here on the public page since everything will be via DM. The only public thing I'll post will be the base picture but all the high res, alts and the good stuff will be on private.

That and probably a lil bit more of spam since every single post will come with a DM with the good stuff.



I've seen artists watermark images and tracked leaders that way. Multiple links with different watermarks. Could try that?


The idea is good but I don't know if I have the time to do 200+ different watermarks :s

Fen Longpaw

I'm not one to encourage DRM style policies, as there are plenty of cases of people finding stuff through piracy becoming customers, and of driving off paying customers with the inconvenience. As frustrating as the leaks are, I find it's healthier to not worry about them, as they aren't stopping those of us who want to support you from supporting you, and that's why I'm here.


It's more work for you. What I usually see is posts with texts are public, posts with Patreon exclusive content is gated behind the paywall, and some creators will make the occasional public content post to show off what's behind the gated content in order to encourage more patrons to sign up. But if the leaks are coming from a Patreon member, then it doesn't really matter if you DM links or post them, because they're going to steal and post your art regardless. Which sucks. I know one person that just browses through Reddit looking for their artwork being reposted, and then they tag their Patreon link in the comments if the mods won't take it down or ban the poster. It's your call, it's not an easy one. I don't envy the situation you're in having to make it.

Yuni Hermit

If leaks are coming from internally doing DM is not going to stop it. Security is a constant thing, and lots of patreons get hit with this kind of thing. The one thing I REALLY want to discourage is that if someone joins as a patron later and you're doing them through DMS, they won't be able to go back and see all the older alts. Alts they might have joined to see, because posts on like e621 and stuff MENTION them! That will make some unhappy customers...

Yuni Hermit

I know this might sound... contrary. But the majority of people who pirate it instead of subscribing, wouldn't have subscribed if they couldn't pirate it. People, statistically, don't like stealing, and will pay for something if they can afford it. It's not what makes the news, but it's far more common.

Special K

Wait... but you post the pics anyways in FA.... God people are petty sometimes


I think you guys are right. Leaks are pretty much inevitable ;/ ... in the end there's always gonna be good people who will support when they can :')