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Hope you're all great.  I'm good. I've put my new motorbike in storage for winter. I passed the written test for the mc license on October 13, but the driving test will have to wait til next year.         

This month the video art is "Wonder Woman Blacksmith"
and the bonus art is the so-called 'naughty version' of my cover for "Roseblood Mansion"
if anyone on Tier 1 wants the bonus just add 2$.  On tier 3 you can get the psd file for Wonder Woman, which has layers for a bikini, to remove the shibari, and the dirt, and other things, so you can create a customized version.  :) 

Here's the high-res nude shibari jpeg for Wonder Woman, and the next 3 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 206, 207 and 208. I'm giving 3 a month instead of 2 now.      

I hope you like it, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)



Robert van Dawen

Congratulations on passing the written Exam.