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Hope you're all great.  I'm good.  Summer is here, we've already barbecued three times! My sister and her husband are visiting from Australia, such a long time since we saw each other last, we've had many long talks. Meeting in real life is such an improvement over text messages.    

This month the video art is "Aurora" and the bonus art is "Snow White Bondage"
if anyone on Tier 1 wants the bonus just add 2$ for Tier 2.  

Here's the high-res jpeg for Aurora, and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 193 and 194.   

I hope you like it, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)




Love this illustration, the colors and everything. It's so stylized and transmits calm and action at once, giving a kind of feeling on how she, as an expert shooter feels.