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Hope you're all still ok.  I'm still ok.  Midsummer celebrations in Sweden are a huge deal, especially here in this part of Sweden, Dalarna.  And this year the weather was amazing for that weekend, for a change.    

This month the video art is "Witch Trial" and the bonus arts is "Doctor Ann Possible", in 2 versions.  If anyone on Tier 1 wants the bonus just add 2$.  

Here's the high-res jpeg for 'Witch Trial', and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 171 and 172.   

I hope you like it, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)




Wow, the Witch Trial feels really deep. Like you had a lot to say.


Thank you, yeah I guess I have strong feelings about what the evangelical fundamentalists are doing in USA. They've been working at this since the 50's when Eisenhower let them into the White House. We always waved them aside as a noisy powerless minority of crazies, but suddenly they own the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future, they already control the GOP and a bunch of billionaires, and it's starting to look like they might completely take over the largest and most war-like empire the world has ever seen.


I am hopeful. I think this will be a "don't learn to not touch the frying pan until it burns you" moment. I like the YT channel Legal Eagle, and it sounds like the damage the Supreme Court is doing, is because things we took for granted were inserted into law in very (now obviously) fragile ways. I think the Jedi (and will of the people) will strike back, and we may see the senate or some other avenue reinsert these freedoms in more absolute and unambiguous ways. :)




Seems Russia is taking over the title of 'most war-like empire'.