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Hope you're all still ok.  I'm still ok.  Daily infections in Malaysia are low and going lower. And I got my third vaccine yesterday, the first 2 were Astra-Zeneca this one was Pfizer.     

This month's video art is "Drunk Office Ladies" 

and the bonus arts are "Spot the fake vampiress" and "Sniper Girl", plus a NSFW version of the Office Ladies   

if anyone on Tier 1 wants the bonus just add 2$ 

Here's the high-res jpeg for Office Ladies, and a couple sketches, and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 159 and 160.   

I hope you like it, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)




I had some trouble uploading the files, apparently you can't use SurfShark while uploading big psd files, let me know if something went wrong :)