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May, nothing much happened in my little corner of the world, except Skyped my 83 year old mom for Mother's Day, extra long (she lives in Australia).  Lots of work of course, worked on figures for a toy company, my comic, and Patreon.   Ramadan month here, with fireworks almost every week, but cats are used to it now, after all the thunder and lightning they have to suffer through, even more often than that.  :)  

The hentai this month is called Full Moon.  If anyone on Tier 1 want it, just add 2$ to your 1$, and level up to Tier 2         

Here's the high-res jpeg for Tiger Girl, and a work in progress version, and 2 variant sketches with a black and a white tiger, and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 97 and 98.   (Which you can read on Webtoons)

I hope you enjoy, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)



Dustin Clark

These are excellent! The way you’ve captured the lighting is really impressive