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  • HeadSculpt.mp4



This is a test - done by request for a 5th tier patron, then got permission to show it to you.  

So the question is, do you like it?  Do you want more?   If so let me know.  I'm not sure which level they'd be at, maybe not the lowest, which seems the most popular level...  maybe 2nd or 3rd tier?  

But whatever the response is to this, you know I really appreciate your support guys!  Thank you.




I have no sculpting skills whatsoever, so it's very interesting to watch you work.


I like it! Yes, want more!


I first fell in love with your 3d art before I found you also do 2d art ;) So it would be cool to see some 3d stuff thrown in occasionally. But I also know this isn't paying much right now (long term investment + networking before more people find your patreon), so I say just put in what time you can, and how you feel. 2D and 3d are both great to see how you work after all your years of experience(better to learn from others experience).


Hi Steven. I am back in again. Retired no and hopefully more free time ahed. Of course i like to see more 3dstuff as always.take care my friend.Georges