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  • Chilling_time_v2_1080p_60fps_without_music.mp4
  • Chilling_time_v2_1080p_60fps_music.webm
  • Chilling_time_v2_1080p_60fps_music.mp4
  • Chilling_time_v2_1080p_60fps_without_music.webm



Hello people , so as promize there is the chilling animation . Nothing very lewd , nothing intense just chill and relax into an athmosphere than i really like .  30sec of loop chill

Music by  wünsche - sunday vibes   

Originaly i've think creat that for be with an chill music ( sadly idk how creat music and it's not my jobs x) ) so feel you free to use this one as you want  . 

For the next time it's a lewd animation commission! ( but i count this animation for august )   . Oh and last thing i re-open the commission soon ! 




Hmm....music to go with this rainy day scene? May I suggest "Beneath the Mask", a track from the game Persona 5.

Dragon Ranger

Sometimes it is very hard to decide who's hotter, Fluttershy or Twilight.

Miss. Nessie

All i can think of is lofi hip hop to relax/study too.