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Hello everyone!

As you've probably saw, Filip and I are late for October releases. I can't officially tell you why yet, you'll know on the 13th of October, but it's BIG. There are other reasons, I'll write a post tomorrow with the details. November will really be full of surprises.

To compensate, here's a huge pack that encompasses both October and November releases and more, and it even comes early in the month.

The second part of "Lost In Time" is for guardians+ patrons. It's our Adventure Theme of the month. My part will be released in a few minutes.

The "Lost In Time" ambiences are tracks with inverted audio and some magical/slightly steampunk feel over it. Not all tracks are entirely inverted. For some, it's obvious, for others, the differences with the "normal" version are harder to hear. I tried to find a good balance as our ears aren't used to that kind of sounds and a good ambience for TTRPGs should not draw too much attention.

I added the original Lost In Time ambience in the Guardian+ pack, in case you want to layer it with other ambiences. However, I made many variations to invert some SFX and such, as said, to further push the immersion.


  • Blizzard Lost In Time
  • Desert At Night Lost In Time
  • Desert Canyon Lost In Time
  • Desert Lost In Time
  • Forest At Night Lost In Time
  • Forest Lost In Time
  • Jungle Lost In Time
  • Middle-Eastern Desert Lost In Time
  • Mine Lost In Time
  • Oasis Lost In Time
  • Swamp Lost In Time
  • Tundra Lost In Time
  • Mushroom Forest Woodcutters
  • Underground Village Harbour
  • Underground City Harbour
  • Underground Farmland
  • Underground Forest Excavation Site
  • Underground Forest Lost In Time
  • Underground Watermill
  • Underground Windmill
  • Underground Forest Earth Portal
  • Underground Forest Magic Portal


Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\City

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Tropical

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Subterranean

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Wetland

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Forest

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Arid

Lost In Time Guardian.zip\MGS Audio\Ambiences\Basic\Arctic

Have fun!




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